
Monday, May 2, 2011

Your attention please

Although most everyone already knows this, we are having baby numero dos.

Brigette is officially past the first trimester, and what a trimester it was!  She was much sicker with Owen, but we didn't have Owen when she was sick the first time.  It has definitely been an interesting couple of months, and that's all I'm gonna say...:)

Now that she is past this milestone, I feel comfortable talking about it on the blog.  We waited to tell Owen until we were ready to tell our families, b/c we knew he would spill the beans.  At first he just looked at us with a big grin on his face.  I don't think he really understood what he just heard.  Now that Brigette is showing some physical signs, he likes to kiss her tummy and says he is kissing the baby.  He wants a brother but thinks it's going to be a girl.  We find out in June and Brig is due in October.


  1. Congrats Brigette & Brandon! I'm so happy for you guys. And Owen is going to be a great big brother!

  2. Yeah.. can't wait.. Owen is going to be a wonderful big brother
