
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Potty talk and popsicles

***If you are sick of potty talk, move toward the end of this post.  I promise it won't always be the topic.  It is a huge milestone though and deserves some blog space.  

In case you were looking for an update, here it is.  The last few days have been mostly wonderful.  Owen has had an average of one accident per day.  Today he had none!  This is a BIG deal.  And except for yesterday, he has woken up from his three hour nap completely dry.  Can I get a hallelujah!?  This was his reward for doing so well...

And this shot was from the other mom got him the skates and I just had to get some protection for his knees and elbows.  Our floor is really slick.  The gloves weren't necessary, but they came with the package.

The last item on this topic is this book...

If my memory is correct, I think Susie gave it to us for one of the baby showers.  I had forgotten all about it until Brig came across it on the bookshelf.  Needless to say, it has really come in handy and gets read at every opportunity.  Thanks Susie!  Back then, I thought it was hilarious and had no idea how useful it would become.  Imagine it to the tune of R.E.M.'s "Everybody Hurts"...that's how we sing/say it around here and it's so funny to hear Owen sing "Everyonebody cries...sometimes".

Now, let's move on to popsicles.  I saw on Lisa's blog how her girls really enjoyed this, so today we decided to give it a try. 

This morning Owen and I went to the pool while Brig went and picked blueberries.

We are really into them but most days Owen could do without.  Today he could have eaten the entire gallon.  He helped every step of the way, mixing in bananas and yogurt too.

We attempted to have one after dinner, but they weren't quite ready.  We managed to get a taste by dumping it into a bowl.  Yum!

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