We have lived in this house for over three years now and have never been to the pool. We assume it would be very crowded on the weekend, but we went down right after breakfast and were all alone. Owen has only been in the pool once, last Labor Day, but he was just six months old. We had a great time and got to break in his new crab float. Oh, and we also had "nack" (snacks) while we were there. An hour after we arrived it was Owen's nap time so we drove the 1/4 mile home and he went right to sleep.
Our time there was so quick that we thought about going back after lunch. But then we knew it would be crowded and it is a very small pool. I then called Aunt Sibby, who lives about 2 miles away, to see if we could swim at her house. She said anytime, so we were ready to roll when nap time was over. We joined cousins Connor and Dylan and had more pool fun for over two hours.
We assumed Owen would crash on the short drive home but he did not. He also wasn't interested in going to sleep when I was rocking him. And an hour later, when he was still awake and playing quietly in his crib we decided he wasn't going to get an afternoon nap. He never did act tired until around 7:30. He may not have been tired, but Mommy and Daddy are exhausted.