
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

a few things...UPDATED

Owen has an ear infection.  It wouldn't be Christmas without one, so we aren't completely surprised.  We had a rough Sunday night, but by Monday afternoon (and a long nap) he was back to acting normal.

Just in case we doubted that Milo and Owen love each other...

And this guy is getting bigger everyday.  I finally got a good pic of him smiling.  He is a very happy little guy most of the time, but stops smiling every time I pull out the camera.  In case you didn't notice, or in case I forgot to mention, he has red hair.  It isn't obvious inside the house, unless he's in the swing which is next to a window, but it's very obvious in the sun.  Owen had reddish hair when he was born but then it fell out and came back blonde.  Oliver lost some on the top but it seems to have stopped falling out for now.  We go for his two-month well check this afternoon so I'll come back with stats later.

Here we go...weight is 10 lbs, 13 ounces and his height is 23 1/2 inches.  He hasn't gained a ton of weight, but he has grown over 3 inches since he was born!  

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