
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Owen at (almost) two-and-a-half

I used to do updates on Owen every month, but time got away from me.  Those updates were normally late, so when I thought about doing a new one, I decided to do it early!  He isn't quite two-and-a-half, but will be in two weeks.  These are incredibly random and are in no particular order.

1.  Every night while Owen is getting undressed for bath time, he wants to leave his shirt like this.  He thinks he's a pirate and has to go stand in front of the mirror and say things like "Argh Matey!"

2.  He is really interested in watching Disney movies.  We sort of encouraged this since we will be heading there at the end of September.  His current fave is Robin Hood...of course there is no Robin Hood ride at WDW...I don't think.  Sarah, correct me if I am forgetting something!  

Sidenote:  He was watching either The Little Mermaid or Finding Nemo a few weeks ago while I was in the shower.  I don't remember which one...both have "scary" sharks.  Anyway, I came out of the bathroom and he had tears in his eyes.  I asked if he was okay and he said yes.  I asked if the shark scared him and he said, "no, it can't hurt me".  Such a brave boy!

Any time we get ready to go somewhere he thinks we are going to WDW.  I can't blame him, I am getting really excited too.  I can't wait to experience it with him.

3.  A few things he said recently:

-Earlier this week he said, "Oh my god, what are we going to do?  Let's shoot him in the face."  I almost fell over.  We constantly correct him, tell him it's not nice to say things like that, but when will it sink in?

-We had black bean quesadillas for dinner last night and Owen loves sour cream.  He was a total mess and I told him he was a dirty bird.  I call him that all the time, but last night he said, "No, I'm a clean bird".

4.  Owen listens to every word we say during dinner and asks us what we are talking about.  He also wants to know what everything means.  Last night he said, "What does family mean?" and I said, "Well, you and me and mommy are a family".  He said, "Oh, and Crashy and Milo?" and I said "Yes, they are part of our family too".  I guess him asking what things mean is his equivalent of "why?".

5.  I hope we are in the midst of the terrible two's and it ends by the time he's three.  He is very strong willed and really likes to put up a fight.  He enjoys telling us "no" and it takes us forever to get him to do something in a hurry.  The other side of that is how sweet he is.  Most of the time it's genuine but he also tries to work us.  When we are upset with him, he (eventually) tells us how sorry he is and wants to hold us. 

6.  Owen loves to sing and dance.  At bedtime he usually sings right along with me.  And he has an amazing memory.  I told Brig he gets that from me.  I remember everything and she can't recall things that happened last year.

7.  The potty training saga continues.  It has been two months and he is doing okay.  We had great success right out of the gate and I really thought he would be 100% by now.  He still has accidents, but they mostly occur when he is really busy and I guess he just forgets.  When he does have an accident he always says, "Sorry about dat".  He routinely wakes up from nap completely dry, so he can obviously hold it for a few hours.  So far he is really great about going out in public.  I may jinx us here, but he hasn't had any accident in a store or restaurant.  I was a little bummed to learn he has to wear a pull-up when he's in school.  I felt like that was taking several steps backwards, especially since we've worked so hard all summer.  And if I had known that was a requirement, I would have waited and not pushed him.  We'll see how that goes.


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