It has been a month since this started and we are happy to report it is nearly over. Owen's teacher reports he is really coming out of his shell at school. He brings her weeds found on the playground. We can only assume this comes from us constantly asking him to bring us found hairballs instead of putting them in his mouth. I know...nasty.
On another topic, I just realized I didn't make a 19-month-old post. Bad daddy. Well, that was nearly three weeks ago, but here we go...
Owen will repeat anything we say or anything anyone else says. Last week he said aforementioned "hairball" (which cracked us up), "meatball" and "sandwich" to name a few. He also said "ready-set-go" the other night and I don't know where that came from. He has been putting two words together for a while now. His favorites are "big truck", "papa's house", "mommy daddy", "school bus" and we even got him to say "Owen James". Bath time is fun if I could only get him to keep the water inside the tub. We also got him a potty b/c he has been telling us when he has a "poop". We aren't full on trying to potty train him yet, but we do sit him on it every night while the bathtub is filling up. Nothing yet, but when he does #1 in the tub I explain to him what is happening so he hopefully understands the feeling. Two nights ago he burped and said "pig" and started making his pig noise. It was cute the first time but not anymore. I am not a fan of that behavior and it will not be encouraged. BTW, he didn't learn that at our house. That's all I can think of right now. I didn't intend to make this so long, so I understand if you already bailed on us.
Happy to hear he is doing better at school. My little ones are also getting over the separation. It is hard at this age. Don't be surprised if Thanksgiving Holidays and Christmas cause a setback. However, the recovery from those will not be as long as the initial recovery. Enjoy Halloween, Have Fun.