Owen surprised us tonight by almost counting to ten. For the last week he has been saying "two" and the occasional "three" but tonight he went all the way to "ten" and only skipped "four" and "seven" a few times. And believe me, we made him do it over and over again. It's amazing to us that all this repetition does sink in eventually.
He really likes taking our hands and leading us to another room or to either the front or back door. When he doesn't get his way he pitches a fit. Apparently I did this when I was small too. Some last a second and others last longer. Sometimes we can distract him but he is really smart. He doesn't forget anything. We joke that we are already in the midst of the terrible two's, but who knows? He may just be stubborn. He gets that from his mom. :)
He also loves to run and be chased. And won't let you stop until he is done. It is hilarious to watch him go full speed around the dining room table. We have wood floors in there and I am so worried he's going to eat it or hit the corner of the table. Luckily, when he does get hurt he gets over it almost instantly.
Oh...and his vocabulary expands daily. He repeats every single thing we say. I was going to post some of his fave words/phrases, but if I did this would be a really long post.
The temp today was perfect so we played outside while Brig made dinner.
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