You may remember this bike helmet from an earlier post. We've had it for quite a while, but never used it (for it's intended purpose) until this afternoon. I also did some research and found Owen a bike seat. He sits in front of me, really almost in my lap, instead of looking at my back. After dinner and a brief rain shower, we hit the pavement.
I have been eagerly anticipating the weather cooling off so we could enjoy this activity together. Since that hasn't happened, we just went for a quick spin before dark. And since I couldn't see his face, I had no idea if he was entertained. He wasn't yelling "get down" which is one of his favorite phrases, so I assumed all was well. Once I felt the burn we turned back. I should explain that I haven't been on my bike but a few times since this little man was born. I wanted to be able to walk tomorrow! Apparently he was really having a blast b/c when I stopped he went into full meltdown mode. I wish we had taken a pic b/c he was seriously upset. Nothing comforted him...not a promise of more bike riding tomorrow or even a cookie. We finally had to pull out the big gun we call Jack. He fixes almost anything.
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