***Warning...gross stuff ahead...if you have a weak stomach you may want to skip this post***
I can hardly remember a time when I was glad it was morning. Last night bath time was normal, but as Brig was prepping Owen for bedtime and I was putting a clean sheet on his crib mattress, he started projectile vomiting. All over himself, the changing table, the diaper caddy, Brigette, the floor, etc... I rushed to get the paper towels and when I came back he was still vomiting. Brig ran to take her clothes off, and he did it again. It finally stopped after five times. And he was so upset...poor lil' buddy. I hadn't even emptied the bath water, so back he went. Bath time round two. I got him bathed again and eventually dressed on the floor in the den while Brig cleaned up the mess. He finally went down 45 minutes after we intended.
Once he was asleep we started washing everything and putting his toys away. (As away as we can considering the size of our house and the fact we don't have a playroom...dang economy!) Anyway, we started to watch 30 Rock and my stomach started cramping. Not bad, yet, but I was not feeling well. Little did I know this was nothing compared to the pain I would be in later. After several trips to the restroom with no success, we continued catching up on stuff on the DVR. Around 10:00 we decided to get ready for bed and I started to feel really rough. Like, I was doubled over in pain, only felt this way twice before in my nearly 33 years rough. I took a shot of pepto and got back on the couch. Brig was trying to help, but I didn't want her to even talk to me...not to worry...I apologized later.
I eventually fell asleep and woke up, still on the couch, around 1:00. At the same time, Brig came to check on me and I asked her if she heard Owen. I was so out of it, I thought I may have dreamed him whining about an hour earlier. By the way, at this point I felt soooo much better.
After I got ready for bed, I went to check on Owen. As soon as I opened his door, a foul stench hit me. Of course he had vomited earlier, so I moved in closer to check. The closer I got to the crib the worse the smell. I went to tell Brig b/c I assumed she wanted to wake him and change him. She went in for a second opinion and confirmed what I had suspected. So...for the first time in his life, we woke him up to change his diaper. Had I not checked on him, we would had a much worse situation this morning. I'm glad my brief illness had subsided b/c otherwise that would not have been tolerable. We put him back down and we finally went to bed. He didn't make a peep until almost 7:00 this morning.
Today he seems fine and I am only slightly nauseous. I don't know if it was a coincidence, but I'm glad it's over. I'm also glad it happened on the weekend. We had an appt to get his 12 month pics taken today, but we rescheduled for next Sunday. There was no way we could have made it to Mt. P by 9:00.